Lajčák Visits Camp Butmir

The new High Representative and EU Special Representative, Ambassador Miroslav Lajčák, met today at Camp Butmir with Howard Tucker, the head of the office of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Major-General Richard O. Wightman, Commander of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo, and Rear-Admiral Hans-Jochen Witthauer, the Commander of EUFOR.

Ambassador Lajčák was briefed on ongoing and future operations against individuals indicted for war crimes and their support networks.

“The international community has made it clear that it expects the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to cooperate fully with the ICTY, playing a proactive role in apprehending all remaining indictees and dismantling their support networks,” Ambassador Lajčák said.

“I have chosen to make this my first official visit because I see the promotion of full ICTY cooperation as one of my priorities. It is and remains a requirement that Bosnia and Herzegovina must fulfill to be able to sign a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union.”

General Wightman and Admiral Witthauer also briefed the new High Representative and EU Special Representative on the security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the respective roles of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo and EUFOR.

“EUFOR and NATO remain crucial components of the international engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and I look forward to working very closely with Admiral Witthauer and General Wightman,” said Ambassador Lajčák.