Lajčák: Further progress towards visa-free travel only possible with SAA

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, today welcomed the signature of a visa facilitation agreement between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but warned that that any progress towards visa-free travel for BiH citizens can only be possible after the conclusion of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union.

“This agreement to make travel easier for certain groups of citizens is proof of the EU’s commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a clear indication that the EU is serious about opening its door to the countries of the Western Balkans”, Lajčák said.

“The EU has delivered on its promise, now it is up to the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina to show that they are equally committed to the process of European integration, and deliver on their promises. Without an agreement on police reform and the conclusion of an SAA with the European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot make any further progress towards the European Union.”