Lajčák: Justice for the victims remains our key priority

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, today told the representatives of victims’ associations from Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina that bringing war criminals to justice is a key priority of the international community.

“My priority is truth, justice and responsibility for the crimes committed in BiH. The work that has been done is this area is far from enough”, Lajčák said. “I will continue to push for the rapid adoption of a National War Crimes Strategy by the relevant institutions that will make prosecution of war crimes more efficient and coherent.”

In addition, a team of experience international investigators will soon join the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH to help in the investigation and prosecution of war crimes in the Srebrenica area.

The victims’ associations expressed their full support for the efforts of the High Representative.

The meeting was convened at the initiative of the citizens’ association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclave”, the association “Women Victims of War” and the “Association of BiH Camp Inmates”.