Lajčák: No visa waiver without progress towards EU

Without progress in the process of European integration, Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot expect further visa liberalisation or a waiver of the visa requirement for EU countries, the High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák said in a video message on the website.

Answering a question on visa-free travel for BiH citizens, Lajčák said that the issue of visa liberalisation was part and parcel of the EU integration process. “We will either be part of the EU family with all its consequences, above all positive ones, including visa facilitation, or we will become an isolated island with no prospect of visa faciliation.” Nobody in the EU will ease the visa regime for a country that refuses to follow the European path.

“This means that, if your politicians are not capable of leading you towards the EU, then you should complain to all those who are not voting for European laws. You cannot have the one without the other. We are either part of the European family, or we are not”, the High Representative and EU Special Representative said in his message to citizens.

As part of the campaign on BiH’s European perpective, Miroslav Lajčák will continue answering questions submitted by citizens through the website. Throughout the next two weeks, a new answer will be published every day.