Lajčák meets General McColl: EU integration and constitutional reform are strategic priorities

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák met General John McColl, NATO’s Deputy Supreme Commander Europe and Operation Commander of Operation Althea/EUFOR in Sarajevo today.

Briefing General McColl on the current political situation in the country the High Representative-EU Special Representative said that Bosnia and Herzegovina today faces two strategic goals: EU integration and constitutional reform. “The immediate priority is singing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU, which needs to be followed by wide-ranging reforms in the country to adapt its administration and economy to EU standards and norms.”

The High Representative and EU Special Representative further welcomed the close co-operation between EUFOR and the OHR/EUSR, noting that EUFOR’s presence is welcomed by BiH and underlines the EU’s commitment to the country. He underlined that EUFOR continues to play a key role with regard to the Safe and Secure Environment.