HR/EUSR Lajčák meets BiH Presidency Member Nebojsa Radmanovic

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, held a meeting in Sarajevo today with Nebojša Radmanović, Member of the BiH Presidency and President of the Executive Board of the SNSD.


HR/EUSR Lajčák and Presidency Member Radmanović discussed BiH’s progress in implementing the five objectives and two goals set by the Peace Implementation Council for the transition of the OHR.


“Additional political effort is needed in order to find a solution for the state property issue,” HR/EUSR Lajčák stressed during the meeting. He called on leaders to build on the principles for distribution defined last October by the State Property Commission. In this respect, the HR/EUSR noted that “the five objectives and the two conditions must be met in full for OHR-EUSR transition.

The HR/EUSR also called for progress in fulfilling European Partnership requirements which “are crucial for progress on European integration and for improving the business environment”.


At the meeting HR/EUSR Lajčák and Presidency Member Radmanović also agreed that a meeting of the leaders of the six parties that make up the BiH Government would help ensure that the country is ready to make progress in the autumn. Both expressed support for such a meeting to be held before the end of