Lajčák: The Prud Agreement Must Not Be a Show for the International Community

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met today with the HDZ BiH President Dragan Čović to discuss the agreement reached in the meeting between the SDA, HDZ BiH and SNSD presidents last weekend in Prud.

What the international community expects from local politicians is a constructive approach to the resolution of problems. The High Representative and EU Special Representative expressed his satisfaction with the fact that dialogue and compromise – something he has been insisting on during his mandate so far – have started becoming legitimate in the public political life of BiH. This is evidence that compromise is possible when there is readiness for open dialogue.

The agreement has also been welcomed by the EU through the support expressed by Javier Solana, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, because this agreement could resolve key issues for the progress of this country and its European road.

There is joint understanding and expectation that there is no time left to lose and that the agreement should be forwarded to the parliamentary procedure as soon as possible, and be implemented soon thereafter. “This is not the moment to focus on personal or party interests but the interest of BiH, so I appeal to the representatives of all political parties to put up maximum effort to support this agreement. Lack of understanding for its importance and lack of support to this agreement put Bosnia and Herzegovina into a danger to lag behind its neighbours on the road to the European Union,” said High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav  Lajčák.