Lajčák After Fire: This Eid Our Thoughts Are With The People Of Fazlagića Kula

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, has today spoken to the Reisu-l-ulema dr. Mustafa ef. Cerić to express his concern and regret over the fire which destroyed the mosque in the village of Fazlagića Kula.

As the refugee return to this area has not been incident free, Miroslav Lajčák has been closely following the developments and reports from the investigation of last night’s fire.

“For Muslims, Eid is a time of new hope,” Lajčák said. “Last night’s fire is a heavy blow to the community of Fazlagića Kula and my thoughts today are with them”.

Initial reports point to this being an accident, but a full and thorough investigation must be conducted.

EU Police Mission officers are on the ground and the High Representative and EU Special Representative is in regular contact with EUPM Head of Mission, Stefan Feller.