Lajčák meets Špirić and Council of Ministers: BiH must prove that it is serious partner with the European Union

High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák met today in Sarajevo with Chair of the Council of Ministers Nikola Špirić and addressed the regular session of the CoM to discuss the priorities on EU agenda, which need to get back on track


“The current approach is not working. The prevailing deadlock on the EU agenda is a major problem. The European Union is ready to offer all necessary assistance, but the BiH institutions at all levels must be perceived as partners by the EU in this process”, Lajčák said.


“BiH cannot just insist on applying for EU membership, nor have free visa regime, without proving

that its institutions have seriously taken into account their obligations. A membership application at this stage in the process, when EU reforms are blocked or poorly implemented, will only damage the country’s EU aspirations”, Lajčák warned. “The EU does not issue blank cheques to anyone.”


The High Representative also urged the CoM to launch without delay procedure for appointing vacant Director posts, in accordance with the Law. He encouraged CoM to adopt the Annex VII implementation Strategy, which is scheduled for discussion at today’s session and called for adoption of a set of anti-corruption measures, necessary for visa liberalization process.