Lajčák meets de Puig: No place for discrimination in BiH’s Constitution

“Several constitutional provisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina violate human and minority rights, and must be changed for the country to be able to join the European Union”, High Representative Miroslav Lajčák said today in a meeting with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Lluís Maria de Puig. Lajčák also stressed the crucial input that the Council of Europe should have in this process, in particular through the work of the Venice Commission.

„As part of the expected constitutional reforms, the authorities in BiH will  need to create more functional, efficient and sustainable institutional structures in BiH, capable of supporting the process of European integration and improving respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms”, Lajčák said. In particular, the Constitution must be brought in line with the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocols. In addition, BiH will need to adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation.