Lajčák with BiH Parliament Collegia: Parliament must unblock reforms

High Representative Miroslav Lajčák met with the Collegia of both Houses of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo today to inform them about the process of appointing his successor and the state of affairs with respect to meeting the requirements for OHR transition. In addition, Lajčák stressed the need to accelerate the implementation of reforms linked to EU commitments.


The current standstill in the EU integration process represents a major problem. Last year, BiH adopted only seven laws addressing the European partnership priorities.  “This year will be crucially important for determining whether BiH stays on the path of EU integration, or whether it will drop out of the group of countries in the region that are moving closer to the EU”, High Representative Miroslav Lajčák warned.


The High Representative also stressed that OHR transition and the appointment of a new High Representative are separate issues. The PIC will consider the transition process only after all requirements set by the PIC at its February 2008 session are met. “It is time for BiH to demonstrate political maturity and become a partner to the EU. I hope that Parliament will play its role when the issues agreed through the Prud process come to Parliament in the form of legislative proposals,” Lajčák noted.


In conclusion, Lajčák urged leaders of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly to adopt the Strategy for the Implementation of Annex 7 as soon as possible and, when considering amendments to the Law on the Civil Service, to seriously address European recommendations and positions.