Lajčák: Change Will Only Come from Within

The only people who can make a success of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s effort to join Europe as a prosperous and stable democracy are the citizens of this country, former High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, said in a farewell message posted on the website


In his message former HR/EUSR commended the thousands of citizens who have taken part in a countrywide dialogue through and called on them to continue taking an active part in the debate over the country’s future.


During his mandate former HR/EUSR made extensive use of the website to conduct a continuous dialogue with citizens on subjects such as job creation, security, education, constitutional change and European integration. He said “the ideas in this dialogue with citizens just confirmed that everyone in this country wants the same thing: a peaceful, stable and prosperous state.” He noted that this is completely inconsistent with the desire on the part of some politicians to promote division.


“After I took office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I called on all politicians in the country to end the culture of accusation and counter-accusation and work towards creating a better atmosphere for dialogue,” he wrote. “This is because Bosnia and Herzegovina needs a complete change in policies and mindset and that cannot come from the outside. It can only come from within – from you, the citizens, and from the leaders you elect.”


Former HR/EUSR said he had initiated meetings of the six party leaders because “dialogue and compromise have no alternative.” He added that Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot function if politicians try to conduct politics by means of ultimatums.


“As the Foreign Minister of a member state of the EU and NATO, I will be actively involved in the Euro-integration process and I will support the many people who are working honestly, creatively and decisively to ensure Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European future,” he concluded. “Let me say yet again – unless you support this process actively and unless you make your representatives care more about your European future, that future will be put at risk.”


A video and audio recording and full transcript of former HE/EUSR’s address can be accessed at