Inzko Charts Way Ahead

The High Representative and EU Special Representative (HR/EUSR), Valentin Inzko, today called for concrete steps to renew the momentum of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s reform and European integration processes.


HR/EUSR Inzko was addressing the 27 Foreign Ministers of the EU member states at a meeting organised by the Czech EU Presidency at the Hluboka Castle in the Czech Republic. The focus of the meeting was the prospect of EU expansion in the Western Balkans.


Noting that this week the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council welcomed important progress achieved in BiH over the last four months, the HR/EUSR said that the PIC had nevertheless described this progress as “limited” and stressed that much remains to be done.


In particular against the background of the alarming economic situation in BiH, he recalled that the local authorities at all levels need to agree and implement the necessary measures in order to meet the challenges facing the country.


Underlining that “the status-quo is not an option for BiH”, he said; “Greater EU engagement and firm conditionality will forge the way ahead.”


“The remaining objectives and conditions defined by the PIC, and bringing the European agenda back on track, will be key priorities in the months ahead”, said the HR/EUSR.


The EU Foreign Ministers made it clear that BiH must make concrete progress on implementing the Stabilisation and Association agreement and the European Partnership requirements in order to revitalise the integration process and start to raise living standards.


“This also means that the performance of the Council of Ministers and the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, must improve”, said the HR/EUSR.


He told the EU Foreign Ministers that in BiH dialogue and compromise have “no alternative” and he said that as HR and EUSR his role will be “to help build upon and broaden the Prud Process.”


Speaking after the meeting the HR/EUSR stressed the EU’s determination to see progress in BiH. “The EU has the resources and instruments to assume a leading role,” he said. “There is a clear commitment from the EU; the prospect of EU membership for BiH is real and achievable.”