Inzko:Only agreements and compromises will lead BiH into the EU

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko today paid his first visit to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he was received by Presidency Chair Nebojsa Radmanovic and Presidency Members Zeljko Komsic and Haris Silajdzic.


“I am glad to be back in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a partner to the local authorities in this important period of transition that is ahead of us”, Inzko said, stressing that he wants to establish a genuine partnership with local political leaders as a means of advancing the European agenda in the country. “There is no alternative to political negotiations, however difficult they may be. Last week’s Communiqué of the Peace Implementation Council also explicitly welcomed the principle of agreement and compromise, the very principles on which the European Union is based, which must the guiding principle for taking BiH forward and into the European Union.”


Inzko informed the Presidency Members that EU Foreign Ministers, at their informal meeting in the Czech Republic last weekend, once again reiterated the European Union’s commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the whole Balkan region. “The European Union is already present in BiH in several forms, and it is ready to upgrade its political presence as part of the transition from OHR to an EU mission”, he said.

The High Representative also stressed that, before this long-awaited transition can take place, BiH authorities at all levels must make further efforts to complete all five objectives and the two conditions set by the Peace Implementation Council for OHR closure. “Meeting these requirements will allow BiH to focus all its energy on the EU integration process, which will be of great benefit to ordinary citizens, the economy and the future stability and prosperity of the country”, the HR/EUSR concluded.