Full Support for ICTY

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, expresses his full support for today’s joint EUFOR, NATO and the RS Police action against a former military associate of Ratko Mladic, Rajko Banduka and his relative Radoslav Banduka. Both are a part of the Ratko Mladic support network.


“We will continue to focus on identifying and neutralizing Mladic’s support network and bringing to account those who have obstructed the law and helped him evade justice,” Inzko remarked.


OHR will continue ensuring the full cooperation of the authorities in BiH for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Nobody can stand aside until the two remaining fugitives, Mladic and Hadzic, are apprehended and delivered to The Hague,” Inzko said.
