Inzko Visits Srebrenica: If we forget the victims then we’re killing them a second time

The High Representative and EU Special Representative (HR/EUSR), Valentin Inzko visited the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery today.


In his first official visit to Srebrenica as High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko paid his respects to the victims of Srebrenica’s genocide. “If we forget them, then we’re killing them a second time,” he said.


The High Representative and EU Special Representative met with representatives of the family’s associations. He commended the dignity with which they have sought, and continue to seek, their loved ones and underlined that justice must be seen to be done. “Those who committed this crime have a name, and they will pay for their actions,” he said.


Srebrenica will always be a special town for Bosnia and Herzegovina, for Europe and the International Community, said the High Representative and EU Special Representative today when he met Srebrenica Mayor Osman Suljić and Radomir Pavlović, the Speaker of the Municipal Assembly. The European Parliament on 15 January 2009, called on the institutions and the countries of the EU to make 11 July a day of commemoration of Srebrenica’s genocide,


Meeting with the Mayor and the speaker of the Municipal Assembly, the HR/EUSR highlighted that nothing can be more effective or long lasting than cooperation between elected representatives when they work for the benefit of all.


“You must demonstrate your responsibility,” the HR/EUSR said. “As Mayor and Speaker you must ensure that Srebrenica does not miss out on development opportunities because of bad politics”.


Discussing the economic potential of the Srebrenica area the HR/EUSR noted that Srebrenica, like the rest of BiH, was feeling the effects of the global economic downturn but welcomed news that the ‘Sase’ mine would restart operations soon. The HR/EUSR underlined that effort must be made to ensure that the branch of the Sarajevo Law Faculty in Srebrenica continues to operate.