HR/EUSR Inzko Meets Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, today met with the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Angel Moratinos.

The discussion focused on the current political situation, specifically on progress achieved and that still much is needed for the country to move closer to its stated objective of European and Trans-atlantic integration. “The presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina today of Foreign Minister Moratinos, following the joint visit of US vice President Biden and Secretary General Solana earlier in the week, clearly demonstrates the highest level of international attention to developments in the country and towards its European and Trans-atlantic future”, the HR/EUSR said. “The authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovinamust take responsibility for delivering the required reforms, especially those arising from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.”

The HR/EUSR emphasized the importance of visa liberalisation for the citizens of BiH and noted that the European Union has provided BiH and the other countries in the region with a clear road map, which includes improving the security of identity documents, ensuring a functioning immigration and asylum regime, strengthening capacities in the fight against corruption and organized crime and providing guarantees for individual rights.

“It is disappointing that one clear requirement, the Law on Movement and Control of Weapons, failed to pass in the BiH House of Peoples only yesterday, despite promises that visa liberalisation would be a priority,” the HR/EUSR said.

The immediate priority is the transition from the OHR to an EU-led presence through completing objectives and conditions set by the Peace Implementation Council. “While the EU will be ready to take on this additional responsibility in BiH, the decision to close down the OHR is within the sole competence of the Peace Implementation Council, and such a decision will not be taken until the objectives and conditions have been met,” HR/EUSR Inzko stressed. It is BiH leaders’ responsibility to meet the remaining objectives and conditions for OHR-to-EUSR transition without delay.

The HR/EUSR warned that the fragile political atmosphere in BiH is still far from conducive for the much needed reforms, and stressed that negative rhetoric and nationalist agenda are slowing down progress towards the EU.

The High Representative and EU Special Representative also met today with Peter Wichert, Germany’s State Secretary for Defence, to discuss progress in defence reform, and the road to full NATO membership for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BiH’s political leaders have supported State ownership of immovable assets, and the State and Entity authorities must now adopt and implement the transfer agreement, the HR/EUSR said. “The political leaders of this country must reach a solution putting aside their narrow party interests,” he concluded.