Speed up Process of Electing Mostar Mayor

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, visited Mostar today and held discussions with the leaders of the HDZBiH, SDA, SBiH, SDP, HDZ1990, HSPBiH, and NSRzB city boards and independent candidate Zdravko Rozić. The HR/EUSR listened to the views of local party leaders about activities being undertaken to elect the Mayor of Mostar, in the light of the latest PIC conclusions.

The PIC Steering Board stated that it is unacceptable that the Mostar City Council, eight months after the elections, has still not appointed a Mayor. A constructive level of political will from the parties in Mostar is requisite for resolving this issue; this is a fact that everyone should be aware of. The political parties’ primary concern should be for the citizens of Mostar; yet it is they who are suffering most as a result of the ineffectual Mayoral election process.
