Inzko Meets Bildt: Little Progress in Meeting the Conditions for OHR Transition

There has been little progress since the last session of the Peace Implementation Council in meeting the five conditions and two objectives for OHR transition, EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko told the Chairman of the EU Council of Ministers and Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt during a working meeting in Korčula today. “Currently, we are not on the track for completing the 5+2 agenda by the November PIC meeting. We need a new approach to see progress”, Inzko warned.


Inzko also informed Bildt on his recent talks with political party leaders and the prospects for constitutional reform, which will be required as part of the EU integration process of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “By starting a process of constitutional reform in the autumn, political leaders in BiH would send a strong signal that they are ready to assume full responsibility for the country”, Inzko said.


The Swedish Foreign Minister reiterated the EU’s strong commitment to the European perspective of the Western Balkan region, and said that the Swedish Presidency will continue to focus the attention of EU member states on the reform processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular efforts to meet the conditions for visa liberalisation.