Inzko: Politicisation is a Distraction – BiH Must Refocus On its path to the European Union and the Economy

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today in Sarajevo with Tamsyn Barton, Director of the Europe Department of the UK’s Department for International Development (DIFID).


Noting that BiH’s political leaders have blundered from one crisis to another for the past three years while the economy slides and the European integration agenda is on hold the HR/EUSR underlined that a “fundamental reversal in the country’s political dynamic is needed”.


“BiH’s political leaders must reengage in a genuine dialogue focused on finding solutions and reaching compromise”, said HR/EUSR Inzko. “Everything else is a distraction from the real issues that this country faces”.


The HR/EUSR underlined that the OHR continues to work on the objectives and conditions defined by the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board for OHR’s closure and transition to a reinforced EU presence in BiH. At the same time the EU has been preparing itself for the challenges that BiH will pose. “All the instruments needed to ensure the country’s progress will be at the EUSR’s disposal from day one,” said Inzko.


The HR/EUSR said that political parties must summon up the strength needed for constitutional change. “This reform will deliver the stability and functionality that the citizens of this country will appreciate very much”