Inzko – Importance of and Support for Butmir Process

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, welcomes the continuation of the Butmir dialogue of BiH political leaders, facilitated by the European Union and the United States and extends his full support to the overall process of bringing Bosnia and Herzegovina closer to Euro-Atlantic integrations.

“High level international attention, both by the EU and the USA, is evident and only reaffirms the continuous efforts of the International Community to assist Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration processes. This opportunity should be utilized as this is the biggest display of international support in one concrete effort after the Dayton Peace Agreement. BiH leaders must realize the significance of this moment and do their best to succeed. They owe it to the citizens and this country,” reminded Inzko.

Butmir success would facilitate the upcoming November PIC meeting where the closure of OHR and transformation into a strengthened EUSR office will be discussed. In this respect the OHR/EUSR office in addition to political support is providing very detailed expert advice to the process. The Butmir process is an important step and can take Bosnia and Herzegovina towards NATO and EU membership, thus providing a prosperous future for the country.

“Success would offer new hope and optimism to the people of this country. They need it and they deserve it. Those who fail to provide should answer to the citizens of this country,” the High Representative and EU Special Representative concluded.