Statement by the HR/EUSR following the end of Butmir talks

Following the conclusion of talks in Butmir the High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, issued the following statement:

“During two rounds of meetings in which a number of constitutional and other proposals were made by the local party leaders and senior representatives of the International Community it become once again clear that there is unanimity about the perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina joining the Euro Atlantic family.

NATO and EU membership provides the only road to a prosperous future for the citizens of this country, therefore the process that began in Butmir must continue. BiH leaders must realize the importance of this process and therefore redouble their efforts.

I had hoped for an agreement during these two days. However, it is clear that more work is needed and I am fully committed to moving this process forward.

I fully support the negotiating team and in addition to political support I have given to the Butmir process, I have, through my office provided very detailed expert advice to the process embarked upon in Butmir and I intend to continue working for success for as long as it takes.

Attendance, at the highest level, at the talks between BiH political leaders in Butmir should serve as a clear demonstration of the International Community’s support for Bosnia and Herzegovina to move forward with Euro-Atlantic integration.  This is the highest level negotiation process since Dayton. The positive energy and commitment by the International Community to facilitate an agreement must be utilised and should not be missed.


Our commitment to the future of this country is clear and I will continue to work with the local political leaders and the rest of the international community as I am sure that when we work together we can succeed. Hope, optimism and encouragement should be given to the people. This could be achieved through a positive outcome of the Butmir process.”