Inzko thanks Guttenberg for German Contribution and stresses NATO Membership as BiH’s Strategic Goal

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko met today with German Defense Minister Dr. Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg and briefed him on the progress of Euro-Atlantic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Welcoming the fact that the European Council’s reiterated its full support for the European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the High Representative and EU Special Representative emphasized that EUFOR is an important part of the EU’s comprehensive efforts to support progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially the EU integration process.

Elaborating on the military achievements and the European Council’s decision to start within the framework of the Althea Operation to provide non-executive capacity-building and training support, the HR/EUSR noted that “security sector reform is an important part of the overall reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and EU military engagement through non-executive capacity-building and training tasks will contribute to the strengthening local ownership and capacity.”

At the conclusion of the meeting the HR/EUSR thanked Minister Guttenberg for Germany’s generous and continuing contribution to BiH’s peace and Euro-Atlantic integration processes.