Lajčák: BiH’s European Path Requires Engagement

High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met with Chair of the Council of Ministers Nikola Špirić in Sarajevo today.

They concluded that everything should be done in order to make the report on BiH European Integration Progress, which the European Commission is preparing for November, more positive.

Discussing about the issue of State property the High Representative and EU Special Representative informed Chair Špirić that, at Saturday’s meeting of the six party leaders, he will ask for their personal engagement to come to an agreement on this issue. 

The High Representative and EU Special Representative also stated that the establishment of the Fiscal Council is in everyone’s interest, not only in order to meet OHR transition requirements but also for budget planning. He noted that everything should be done so that members of the Fiscal Council meet at the earliest possible time and identify necessary activities in terms of establishment of the functional Fiscal Council.