‘EU at Your Door’ succeeds in bringing the EU closer to local communities

During first half of 2014, 14 municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina joined together with the Office of the EU Special Representative in BiH to inform citizens about the country’s EU perspective in the roadshow initiative ‘EU at Your Door’.

The roadshow was a country-wide information initiative that aimed to raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges of EU accession, as well as to stress the shared values of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU. People in BiH found out more about the EU, and the EU representatives found out more about BiH.

During the one and a half day programme of EU themed activities, the municipalities played host to high-school debates, quizzes, talent shows, concerts and plays. A special segment of the project was ‘Coffee with the EU’, at which local citizens had the opportunity to meet and speak with EU officials including Ambassadors of Member States and local government representatives.

The video below presents a compilation of the EU at Your Door events.
