‘Europe Day: symbol of EU’s commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’: Op-ed piece by HoD/EUSR Ambassador Peter Sorensen

The following op-ed piece is published today, on May 8th in the Dnevni avaz, Dnevni list and Nezavisne novine newspapers on the occasion of the Europe Day:

”Tomorrow is Europe Day – the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of – and an occasion to celebrate how in the EU we have overcome significant differences to shape a common future.  On 9 May 1950 Robert Schuman called for unification of Europe to make war on the continent impossible and spread peace and prosperity globally.
Around the globe, people aspire to what we have built in the EU Member States: strong personal rights and freedoms, democratic governance, rule of law and a decent living. 
We cannot of course take these values for granted. In today’s Europe, democracy is a constant work in progress; we share a responsibility to safeguard and nurture it. And we will stand by those who campaign for it.

When we engage, our actions make a difference. Our citizens know that in the face of big problems such as fragile states, pandemics, energy security, climate change and migration, we are more effective together.

Therefore over the past years we have taken steps – such as the establishment of a European External Action Service – to enable the EU to become a truly global player, able to promote its values and interests around the world.  Human rights is the silver thread that runs through EU foreign policy, assisting democratic transitions around the globe and helping oppressed minorities, social groups and NGOs to voice their concerns.
The EU also has an important role to play in bringing together partners around the world to achieve lasting peace and stability. Our High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, leads the talks between the EU 3+3 (Germany, France and the United Kingdom as well as U.S., China and Russia) with Iran. They resulted in an interim agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme last November – a crucial step towards making this world a safer and more secure place.
In crises around the world, the EU adopts a comprehensive approach that combines all the tools at our disposal: diplomatic, developmental, military and economic. This allows us to address not just the symptoms, but also the causes of the problems we face.
Here in Bosnia and Herzegovina the EU has made a significant and concrete commitment. The Delegation of the European Union, the Office of the EU Special Representative, the EUFOR ALTHEA mission and the work of the Member States represented here through their embassies is a powerful sign of our main aim: that Bosnia and Herzegovina will become a Member State of the EU once it has met the conditions. We are all here to assist your authorities – but also civil society, media and citizens – in the effort to get there. We do so in the firm belief that the journey will bring real improvements to the lives of this country’s citizens.
2014 is a special year for the EU. Ten years ago, ten new members joined our Union. The 2004 enlargement was a crucial step towards overcoming decades of division on our continent. Since then three new members have joined; a testament to the continuing attraction of closer ties to the EU.
This year is also special for European citizens. From 22-25 May voters will go to the polls to cast their ballot in the elections to the next European Parliament. This means citizens will have a clear say in what should be the EU’s priorities for the next five years. 
Sixty four years ago, Robert Schuman took a decisive step towards what we know as the European Union (EU) today. Now, Europe Day is an opportunity for all of us: to commemorate past achievements, but also to look ahead at how we can shape our European future together and promote peace and prosperity at home and in the world.
I wish you a happy Europe Day!”
