BiH Foreign Minister welcomes EU support on anti-corruption laws, constitutional reform

In a meeting today with Ambassador Peter Sorensen, Head of Delegation/EU Special Representative, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr Zlatko Lagumdzija, thanked the Delegation of the European Union for its engagement in technical assistance for finalising the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s draft anticorruption laws, and for supporting the eventual reintroduction of the laws into parliamentary procedure.

The issue of the implementation of the European Court of Human Rights judgement in the ‘Sejdic and Finci’ case was also discussed during the meeting. Dr Lagumdzija expressed his appreciation of the stances of the EU representatives. He also thanked Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, and his team for the efforts undertaken in facilitating an agreement regarding the implementation of the judgement.