EU Awareness at the Sarajevo Kid’s Fest

On 9 June 2007, Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of Delegation of the European Commission to BiH, visited the 4th “Kid’s Fest” in Sarajevo, which included a European Union stand.

The “Kid’s Fest” is organised by the NGO Viakult and aims to reconcile and build confidence among the younger generation. It is an annual week-long event held in Sarajevo, with children from all over the country brought in by bus or train. Under the slogan “Only Together”, the programme includes a fair, a film programme and entertainment by various celebrities.

A swarm of children gathered around the EU Awareness stand to answer quiz-like questions which tested their knowledge on the European Union and win prizes such as t-shirts and school bags.

Ambassador Kourkoulas visited the stand with his family and personally asked some of the questions, such as how many countries are members of the European Union, or how many stars form the circle on the Union’s flag.

Meanwhile, the European Union Police Mission’s (EUPM) sponsor stand at the event included a tent where children learned about mine-awareness.