European Car Free Day Marked by Sarajevo Half Marathon

In order to mark the European Car Free Day, a Half-marathon (21.1.KM) took place in Sarajevo gathering more than 250 participants from a number of countries on Sunday 21 September, 2008. Non-governmental organisation ”Marathon Sarajevo“ together with other sponsors and donors, including European Commission Delegation to BiH, Embassy of the Republic of France and  United Nations Development Programme in BiH (UNDP) organised this huge sport and social event.

With running time 1:07:27 Đuro Kođo run first through finish line and set the new record of the route, while the winner in female competition was Lucija Kimani with score 1:14:44.

Representing the partners of the organisers, Mayors of Cities of Sarajevo and Istocno Sarajevo, Ms Semiha Borovac, and Mr Radomir Kezunovic, together with the Ambassador of the Republic of France, H.E. Ms Maryse Berniau, and the UNDP in BiH Resident Representative Ms Christine McNab handed over the trophies and medals to the winners.

Running through streets of both BiH entities, participants were part of a large social action under the motto “Include me“, promoting the concept of social inclusion. For those who were not keen to run, but willing to participate, a joint walk was organised from Skenderija to Zetra, where was also the finish line for half-marathon participants.

Having in mind that Sarajevo is the only big city in the region without a marathon, the main goal of the NGO “Marathon Sarajevo” was to organise the first Sarajevo Marathon in 2011 by organising a half-marathon every year from 2008 to 2010. The NGO Marathon Sarajevo founders, above all, wish to share with everyone the opportunity to enhance their physical and mental health and to raise the awareness among citizens on the importance of practicing sport.

About European Mobility Week

From 16 to 22 September 2008 the European cities and towns had the opportunity to participate to the most widespread event on sustainable mobility, the European Mobility Week.

The European Mobility Week has started in the European Union in 2002 with the political support of the European Commission, DG Environment. At the European level, three networks of European cities and towns are in charge of the campaign coordination.

Such an undertaking arose from a finding: Europeans are very worried about pollution and urban mobility. In town, many people complain of a poor quality of life: air pollution, noise pollution, overcrowding, etc. And yet, the number of cars is increasing…

A full week of events dedicated to sustainable mobility was organised in more than 2000 cities and towns.

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