The 6th Ministerial Council pushes “Greening” and adopts the new Work Programme

Whilst level of the gas market development differs greatly, only Croatia has completed the process of implementing Regulation (EC) 1775/2005. In the area of electricity, persistent shortcomings prevail with regard to the provisions for quality of supply and end-consumer rights, energy savings/substitution measures and other demand side measures for the protection of socially vulnerable customers. The ministers reconfirmed their political support to the establishment of a Coordinated Auction Office and urged the TSOs to take affirmative action.

With its decision, the 5th Ministerial Council established a new Renewables Task Force and elected Mr. Paul Hodson from DG TREN as Chairman for the duration of the Task Force’s mandate. The Task Force was created as a reaction to the entry into force of the new EU Directive on renewable energy in June 2009. Its mission is to evaluate the impact of the new Directive in the context of the Energy Community and to examine whether the incorporation of the Directive into Acquis communautaire is feasible.

The ministers also agreed to extend the mandate of the Energy Efficiency Task Force till the end of 2010. The task force will continue its work on the national action plans. It will also work on a road map aiming to transpose the three EU energy end – use Directives in case the three become part of the expanded Acquis under the Treaty.

The ministers welcomed the conclusion of the accession negotiations with Moldova and encouraged Turkey, Ukraine and the European Commission to intensify their negotiations. The Sarajevo Ministerial Council also mandated the European Commission to lead the accession negotiations with Georgia on behalf of the Energy Community. Thus, with the exception of Norway, all the Observers to the Treaty are now engaged in the accession negotiations with the Energy Community.

The 6th Ministerial Council adopted the Work Programme of the Energy Community Secretariat and budget for the period 2010-2011. Also, Director Slavtcho Neykov’s mandate was extended for the time period 2010 – 2012. “We spent a lot of time in preparing a adequate Work Programme, matching objectively the challenges ahead. The approved Programme outlines a concrete vision on the Energy Community development for the next two years”, stated Director Neykov.