European Union provides 250.000 € support to the Personal Data Protection Agency

All media representatives are invited to attend the press statements on the occasion of the beginning of the Twinning Light Project „Support to the Agency for Personal Data Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ on 14 October 2009, 09.45 h, at the building of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, 1st floor, Conference Room 1, Trg BH 1, Sarajevo.

The European Union provided 250 000 euro for the project which consists of three activities: legislation analysis and harmonization of personal data protection legislation in accordance with the EU Standards; strengthening of institutional and human resources capacities of the Agency for Personal Data Protection in order to enable it to fulfill its competencies; strengthening of awareness and capacities of public institutions processing personal data. General target of this Project is to increase the level of personal data protection in the public and especially in the police sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project started on 1October 2009 and will last until 31st March 2010.

The official opening will be attended by: Mr Petar Kovacevic, Director of the Personal Data Protection Agency, Mr Nikola Spiric, Chairman of the CoM of BiH, Mr Boris Iarochevitch, Head of Operations European Commission Delegation to BiH, H.E. Mr Joachim Schmidt, Ambassador of Germany to BiH, and Mr Tino Nauman, Project Leader.