Ambassador Kourkoulas visited the Centre for Storage, Personalization and Transport of Documents in Banja Luka

Ambassador Kourkoulas, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina met today in Banja Luka with Mr. Siniša Macan, Director of the BiH Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange – IDDEEA.

At the meeting they discussed security of the system for the issuance of identification documents, which is one of the conditions for the liberalisation of visa regime for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador Kourkoulas used this opportunity to visit the Center for Storage, Personalization and Transport of documents dealing with personalization of biometric passports and their distribution to the responsible offices of MoI. 

“I am aware that the system for biometric passports is up running in the country and I have to say that it’s a pleasure to learn that the application for biometric passports is available throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina’s police offices. I have also learned that the first biometric passports will be issued already on Monday, which is a great step forward in the process for Visa liberalisation. The European Commission will  do its outmost to accelerate the process of evaluation of the functionality of the passport system and the evaluation of the other remaining conditions in order to achieve the important goal of visa free travelling for all BiH citizens” said Ambassador  Kourkoulas.