Commissioner Rehn and Ambassador Kourkoulas received new BiH biometric passports

European Enlargement Commissioner, Olli Rehn and Head of the European Commission Delegation to BiH, Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas met with Nikola Špirić, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, on 19 October. At the press conference, following the meeting, Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers handed over the specimens of BiH biometric passports to both Commissioner Rehn and Ambassador Kourkoulas as a symbolic gesture thus presenting the biometric passports to the gathered journalists.

“I am honoured to be here today, witnessing that Bosnia and Herzegovina started the issuance of biometric passports. These  passports should be the key for free and faster travel of BiH citizens in the EU. But the issuance of biometric passports should be done in a reliable and safe way, so that they do not fall into wrong hands.  When a certain number of biometric passports is issued, the EU will verify and assess the issuance itself, Commissioner  Rehn told the press.

He emphasised that there are still some more elements that BiH has to implement. It is the adoption and implementation of several important laws and the formation of agencies, primarily those relating to the fight against crime and corruption. Talking about the so-called Butmir meeting, Commissioner Rehn stressed that it is “of crucial importance that certain results are made through the talks, as we wish for BiH to be a credible applicant for membership to both the European Union and NATO. A stronger and more functional state structure is needed, so that the country could fulfil the conditions that it is faced with, which will enable us to propose for BiH to be included in the White Schengen List. It is possible for this to be done next year. Therefore, the political leaders should not miss this opportunity”, Commissioner Rehn stated.

Asked by a journalist if the Butmir meeting would bring something concrete and in writing, Commissioner Rehn replied:

“We have been conducting the preparations for months now. We met with the political leaders of this state. The first meeting took place 10 days ago when we carefully listened to their positions and I think that we will reach a political agreement that will move BiH towards presentation of the candidacy for the EU membership.”

Commissioner Rehn reiterated that BiH needs to meet the conditions for transformation of the OHR and that certain constitutional changes are needed for improvement of functionality of the state, as well as to enable it to speak with one voice to be able to seriously negotiate EU accession.  Commissioner Rehn thanked to Chairman Špirić for efforts made in respect to the biometric passports issuance and for his positive spirit, and expressed hope that this spirit would prevail during the Butmir meeting.

The Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Nikola Špirić, told Commissioner Rehn that he regretted the fact that BiH was not included in the White Schengen List this time, but he also promised that “BiH will do everything in order for the EC to have the arguments for inclusion of BiH into the process of visa-free regime, as this is, above all, the need of its citizens.”