Human Rights Day marked

The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the local non-governmental organisations, marked the Human Rights Day together with the citizens of Sarajevo, Mostar, Banja Luka and Tuzla, with a cup of tea and distribution of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These events, which took place on 13 December 2009 at the shopping centres in these four cities, are a part of the activities organised on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day. The volunteers of the non-governmental organisations, among which the „Kult“, „Foundation of Local Decmocracy“ and others, distributed the promotional material to the citizens from which they could learn not only about the fundamental human rights but also how to observe them.

„Everybody is entitled to, individually and together with the others, promote and commit to the protection and respect of fundamental human rights and freedoms, at national and international level“, reads the Article 1 of the Declaration of Human Rights of the individuals, groups and governmental bodies, on promotion and protection of universally recognised fundamental human rights and freedoms“. This was one of the objectives of the events – for the citizens to recognise and be aware of their rights but also to know when these rights are disrespected and how to fight for them. The youngest population was also included in the events. They were distributed a picture-book so that they can read and learn about children’s rights from early age.

„With the support of the EU, the NGOs in BiH succeded in achieving a great deal. Not only in the education but also in preventing the violation of human rights and fighting to participate in the process of adopting the law and by-laws. The NGO I work for, „Foundation of Local Democracy“, is dealing with the violence in family. We succeded in opening an SOS line and the citizens are contacting us and reporting the cases of violence in family. Now, we have registered not the increased violence but the increased number of phone calls reporting it. The violence is not a private but a public issue“ – stated Edita Pršić from the Foundation of Local Democracy.

„We are here to support the European Union in its attempts to observe the human rights. We would like to draw attention to things that people are or maybe are  not aware of and that is how to implement their rights. Distribution of the promotional material is a symbolic way to do it, but we would like to draw their attention“ – stated Muamer Logo, student and NGO „Kult“ volunteer.

With the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the international community demonstrated a strong committment to the protection and support to the human rights. To that end, the EU provides political and financial support to the fighters for human rights. In accordance with the EU guidelines on Human Rights, which were adopted by the EU Council in 2004 and amended in 2008, all EU missions to third countries are invited to carefully follow the situation related to the human rights fighters, especially the women.

During the period 2007-2010, the European Union has provided 16 million euro of support to the fighters for human rights through the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). From 2008, the EIDHR co-finances 11 projects in cooperation with the NGOs specialised in support and protection of those who fight for human rights. NGOs from Bosnia and Herzegovina are also among them.