Closing ceremony of the project „Technical Assistance for Support to Energy Department“

Closing ceremony of the EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the Energy Department (TASED)” took place on 16 December 2009 at BiH Parliament building. The European Union provided 1.4 million euro for this Project with the objective to create a viable Energy Department within the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH (MOFTER).

“The TASED Project started in February 2006 and we are extremely pleased that it will be completed thanks to the joint efforts of all participants. The Project was implemented by the international consortium EXERGIA S.A. and it provided technical assistance to the Energy Department within the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, with focus on: – Development of a model as a planning tool for energy requirements; – Development of an energy database for energy sector and energy statistics according to the international standards; – Capacity development programme with focus on sustainable energy, energy statistics and other important energy policy topics. – Review and reporting on the legal, technical and economic conditions for energy investments in BiH. As a part of the Project, BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations established relations with the International Energy Agency and participated at the international meetings on energy statistics” stated Johan Hesse, Head of Operations Section for Economic Development, Trade and Natural Resources within the Delegation of the European Union to BiH.

Mr Hesse also emphasised the importance of cooperation between all participants in this Project and reminded of the success of the first Donor Coordination meeting on sustainable energy which took place on 9 June 2009.

„Experience in this Project showed that the success was possible even if we had to work on adjustment of our activities. As long as there is willingness and open dialogue, we will be achieving results. Much remains to be done, as there are strategies and issues that we did not manage to resolve through this Project and which are of great importance for the state”. He announced that the EU will continue its support to the BiH energy reform process, especially in the field of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, which has a huge potential.

One of the objectives of the Project was also the strengthening of the human resource capacities in the energy area.

„As a part of the project, three young associates were trained and they will join the Energy Department within the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH upon completion of the Project“ – stated Reuf Hadžibegić, Assistant Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH.

The final objective of the TASED project was to support the energy sector of the BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in formulation and promotion of the strategic policy in the energy sector. Upon completion of this Project, new assistance in energy sector was announced as a part of the IPA 2007 Programme.