European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010

Ten years ago, EU leaders pledged to ’make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty’ by 2010. Today however, almost 80 million Europeans are at risk of poverty, living on an income below 60% of the average household income in their country.

Poverty and exclusion not only affect the wellbeing of individuals and their ability to play a part in society, they also impair economic development. With this in mind, the EU is stressing the importance of collective responsibility in combating poverty and hence the need to involve public authorities, civil society and enterprise.

The European Year seeks to give a voice to those who daily experience poverty and social exclusion and to raise public awareness of these issues. It provides a stimulus for renewing the political commitment of the EU and its Member States to combat poverty and social exclusion and challenges stereotypes and collective perceptions of poverty.

More info on the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010 available on the web page