Official launch of the project „Strengthening of the Metrology System in BiH”

All media are invited to attend the official launch of the EU funded project „Strengthening of the Metrology System in BiH”. This event will take place on 12 January 2010 at the Delegation of the European Union to BiH, Skenderija 3a, starting at 10:00h. Objectives and major milestones of the project as well as the consortium responsible for its implementation will be presented on this occasion.

This 1 million Euro worth project was launched in June 2009, with the overall objective to further assist development of the quality infrastructure in BiH in line with the Stabilisation and Association Agreement as well as to create an enabling environment for the BiH industries and manufacturers to improve their trade and industrial relations with the EU and international markets and quality of life.

This Project is supporting BiH in its development endeavours to establish the necessary metrology infrastructure, harmonise legislation on metrology within the country and with the EU requirements and establish better cooperation between scientific, legal and industrial metrology.

Participants will be available for the press statements during coffee break between 11:00 and 11:30.   AGENDA   10:00    Welcome and moderation by Dusan Kordik             Opening speech by Johann Hesse, Head of the Operation Section II, EU Delegation to BiH   10:20    BiH Institute of Metrology – Tasks and Activities Related to the EU Integration by Zijad Dzemic, Executive director of the Institute   11:00    Coffee break and press statements   11:30    Presentation of the main contents and benchmarks of the project by Dusan Kordik, Team Leader and Zoltan Zelenka, Key Expert 2             Discussions and feedback from participants   12:30    End of the meeting and light stand up lunch