Statement by Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the EU Delegation to BiH

Following the misleading media reports on the Visa Liberalisation process, Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated:

“I would like to underline that the allegations that appeared in the press on lobbying by some EU member States to delay the Visa Liberalisation process are completely unfounded. The timetable for Visa Liberalisation for Bosnia and Herzegovina is well known and it depends on the ability of the country to fulfil the requirements of the Road Map for Visa Liberalisation.

At the present phase, the EC is undertaking an assessment of progress made with the full support of all EU Member States which have also contributed substantial funds through their tax payers’ money. Media play an important role in the European integration process of a country, therefore, I would like to appeal to BiH media to deal with more seriousness in such important issues and not to trust unworthy sources of information”.