Banja Luka Roundtable on the Bologna Process

Following successful events organised in Sarajevo and Mostar as part of the EU funded “Thematic Weeks” project, a lecture on the Bologna Process has been held in Banja Luka. The theme has proved to be particularly pertinent among BiH young people.

Prof. Dr. Petar Marić spoke about the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education and Research Area, on 19 March in the Youth House in Banja Luka.

In his lecture, Professor Marić focused on the most common problems encountered by students seeking to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Bologna Process.

“The basic problem is the dissatisfaction of students with the way that higher education reform is being conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina – and not the principles of the Bologna Process itself,” Professor Marić said. “What the Bologna Process says is that Bosnia and Herzegovina should be part of the European education system within a reasonable amount of time. However, what we have seen is that many professors and students seem to have their own interpretations of what the Process is about, instead of the right one, and this creates difficulties when it comes to implementation.”

University students in Banja Luka wanted to learn more about the advantages and programs offered by studying in accordance with the Bologna Process.

Mirko Ratković, a Law student, was particularly interested in the issue of student mobility, from one university to another, as well as the way in which the Bologna Process has been implemented in other countries.

“Every lecture on this topic is more than welcome,” he said. “I’m glad to know that the Process in some EU countries is being adapted in areas where it wasn’t working well. Although we’re at the very beginning, I think that the Bologna Process will contribute to the further development of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”