Opening of the Integrated Parent Child Center in Laktasi

Integrated Parent Child Centre was opened in Laktasi today within the project of “Strengthening the Social Protection and Inclusion System for children in BiH“. The project is financed by the European Union in the amount of 4,100.000 EUR, and co-financed by the Government of Kingdom of Norway and United Kingdom Department for International Development (UKAID). Project is implemented by partner international organization UNICEF.


The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the RS Government and local authorities, experts of working group for development of early development policy as well as international experts in area of childs development.


„This project is very important for us in the European Union. The EU pays a lot of attention towards social inclusion and protection, particularly when children are involved. There is great need in BiH for centres like these where parents and children can get expert advice, where they can interact and convey personal experiences. First years of childs life are very important for correct forming of personality and this centre will enable this quality in development for the children”, stresses Ms. Maria Farrar Hockley, Head of  Operation Section I for Justice, Home Affairs and Public Administration Reform in the Delegation of European Union to BiH.


UNICEF representative Ms. Anne Claire Dufay emphasised that the centre in Laktasi is the fifth of its kind in BiH and that it is very important to invest in this area. “The research have shown that in BiH only 6,4% of children attend preschool education which is a very small percentage. Through this project we are helping so that a large number of children can get an opportunity for quality development”.


Representative of Kingdom of Norway Ms. Christina Eikland underlined that her country decided to help this project since the children are the future of every country and they are the ones who will lead Bosnia and Herzegovina tomorrow. Norwegian Government hopes that the centre opened today will enable development of children into quality people.


Within the opening ceremony Ms. Anne Claire Dufay and Mayor of Municipality Laktasi Milovan Topalovic signed a Memorandum of Understanding by which Municipality Laktasi undertakes the financing obligations after six months of donators support.  


„In the Centre for growth and development the Municipality Laktasi sees potential for development and improvement of health and quality of life for children and parents as well as the opportunity to develop and improve the work of young highly educated experts from this area”, says Laktasi Mayor  Milovan Topalovic.


Centre for early childs growth and development should enable through work and training with the parents an improvement of early growth and development in children as well as to ensure that all children have access to efficient services of health and social protection, education guaranteed by laws and conventions on childrens and human rights. Centres for early growth and development for parents and children improve incisive and responsible parenting; aid in establishing connection among health sectors, education and social protection, educate future parents and parents with small children, train and work with parents of risk children, help in early detection of development and health problems and offer services of early intervention, preschool education and family support.