European Language Day marked

Five EU Info centres (EUIC) in BiH have marked the European Language Day on 24th of September. In cooperation with Centre for security studies and non-governmental organization Kyodo, improvised stands with various publications on European Union were placed in front of Info centres in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Brcko.

„Our centre today is a place of gathering for primarily young population to whom we want to stress the importance of learning and knowing foreign languages as well as all BIH citizens that want to give their personal contribution in maintaining European language diversity” explains EUIC Sarajevo expert associate Amela Nuhanovic.

EUIC Mostar marked the European language day by holding a workshop with participants of Language high school titled “How to learn a foreign language easily”, whilst EU Info centre Tuzla organized an event for youngest children. Technical assistant from EUIC Tuzla Mirela Bajric described the celebration they prepared.

„We welcomed students from 10 elementary schools of Tuzla area who brought their poems written for this opportunity in English language on the topic of the EU. We have prepared several quotes from the works of known European authors, also in English language. Students, with the help of their teachers, translated the quotes into our language”, says Bajric.

The basic goal of this celebration financed by the European Union is promotion of intercultural and multi-language issues as well as nurturing of language diversity.

Since the year of 2001 that was marked the European Language Year, 26th of September is regularly marked as European language day in BiH.