HELP celebrates 15 years of successful work in BiH and marks a beginning of new project financed by the EU

Event marking the 15th anniversary of successful work of German non-government organization Help in BiH was held today. The event also marked the beginning of new project financed by the EU. The opportunity was used to hold a ceremony in BiH Art Gallery rather a photograph exhibition as well as projection of a film on the work of this organization since its arrival to BiH in 1995.

„During 15 years of our presence in BiH we have implemented the projects worth a total of 43 million Euros. But we are not talking about figures only, what we care about is the influence on the quality of people’s lives here”, says Karin Settele, general director of HELP – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V., with obvious pleasure.

Since the activities implemented by HELP are complementary to the efforts made by the EU in order to bring BiH closer to the community of European countries, approximately 18 million Euros were directed by the EU since 1996 towards development projects implemented by HELP in BiH.

„It is my pleasure to say that we have signed a new contract worth 400,000 Euros with HELP this month. The contract relates to support of micro, small and medium enterprises in Gorazde, Rogatica and Foca. The goal of the project is to help local entrepreneurs when it comes to financing, gaining knowledge and support in placement of their products”, said Chief of Department of Operations for Economic Development, Natural Resources and Infrastructure in EU Delegation in BiH Johann Hesse.

German Ambassador in BiH Joachim Schmidt also addressed the gathering and noticed that the successfulness in work of one organization greatly depends on working methods implemented on site.

„Method used by HELP, the method of helping for self-help that engages the population to achieve an active contribution is a proven efficient instrument for reaching permanent progress of life conditions. That way the persons helped by HELP are not abandoned, explains Mr. Schmidt.

After the ceremony a fair was opened at Trg Oslobodjenje where HELP users presented their products and offered them to BIH citizens.