EU Awareness II project promoted

Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina presented yesterday in Sarajevo new public awareness project funded by the European Union, entitled “EU Awareness II”, whose goal is to promote the European integration process and joining of BiH to the European family.

“I am sure that this project will increase the public awareness and understanding of the EU, its policies and programs, as well as implications of the joining process for the BiH citizens”, said Boris Iarochevitch, Charge d’ Affaires of the EU Delegation to BiH.

He stressed that the European integration process doesn’t only imply benefits, but also obligations that Bosnia and Herzegovina has to fulfil, and according to him, the European Union gives great importance to raising awareness about that.

“If the EU history tells us anything, then this is the path worth taking”, said Iarochevitch, pointing out to the achieved goals of long-term peace and progress.

The first stage of this project was successfully carried out in the period from 2007 to 2009. The new stage, financed by the European Union in worth of 1,3 Million Euro will  be carried out in the next two years.

Project Team Leader Keith Heyes stressed that the goal is clear – it’s to gain BiH support for the EU integration, in which the experts will help by coming to seminars and round tables that will be organized in BiH.

“What we are doing today is launching public awareness campaign all across BiH, to support the awareness towards accession and integration to the EU, based on the fact that one day BiH would like to become a member of the EU within the enlargement process.”, said Heyes.

He said that business opportunities are some of membership advantages, which lead to strengthening of the overall economy, and pointed out that they would therefore like to work closely with the business community.

“Poll results, carried out by the Directorate for European Integration of BiH at the beginning of the year show that support to the EU membership remains on a high level, almost 90%”, said Nevenka Savić, Director of the BiH Directorate for European Integration, adding that about 70% of the citizens declared that they wanted more information about the European Union.

The Project’s framework will consist of public campaigns all around BiH, in order to provide citizens with as much knowledge as possible about EU integration and membership advantages. Therefore, as announced yesterday, a network will be formed which will enable close cooperation of the government institutions, civil society and the media. The cooperation with the business community, youth programs and building capacities of the BiH Directorate for European Integration in the area of promotion and communications are also the key elements of the project.

The implementation of the project was awarded in the open tender procedure to the consortium of international companies led by B&S Europe which has main office in Brussels, and in cooperation with the German GIZ and GOPA Cartermill.