Stefano Sannino, Deputy Director-General of DG Enlargement of the European Commission ended his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mr Stefano Sannino, Deputy Director-General of DG Enlargement of the European Commission visited Bosnia and Herzegovina on 23-28 January. Mr Sannino had a series of constructive discussions with representatives of authorities and the country’s main political leaders on how to move European integration process of BiH forward at the moment when other countries of the region are making progress in this process. 

Mr Sannino stressed that Bosnia and Herzegovina has a real chance to go in this direction and underlined the EU’s willingness to help the process.

Mr Sannino reminded that in order to receive a credible application from BiH for EU membership it is necessary to have Stabilisation and Association Agreement/Interim Agreement fully implemented; BiH Constitution needs to be aligned with the European Convention on Human Rights and a State Aid authority quickly established. However, in order for this to happen, governments must be put in place so that the process could start.

In this context, Mr Sannino had discussion with BiH political leaders on how the European agenda and the EU integration process could help both in formation of governments and in keeping governments united in a EU led agenda.

Mr Sannino underlined that Bosnia and Herzegovina has the potential to succeed when there is political will to do so. Visa liberalisation is a clear proof: thanks to the reforms undertaken, all Bosnian citizens enjoy short-term visa-free travel to the Schengen area.

The European Commission is fully committed to supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina on its road towards the EU. Substantial EU financial assistance and expertise is available to contribute to the efforts of the new Government to address the required reforms.