EU provided funding for 11 new projects to support implementation of EU standards in environment in BiH

Following the end of the project proposals evaluation process under the Call for Proposals Support to Environmental NGOs, the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina is pleased  to announce that eleven (11) best ranking projects in support of environmental actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina are contract awarded for their effective implementation.

The projects are funded by the EU through the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) in the amount of 1 M€, aiming at strengthening the partnership between governmental and non-governmental sectors for purpose of an effective implementation of EU standards in environment in BiH.

The environment is a high ranking issue on the European agenda and increasingly so, with regard to its interventions in BiH. The BiH Progress report of the European Commission and the European Partnership stress the importance of proper implementation of the environmental acquis.

The NGO community has a very important role to complement the work of the administration by signalling infractions, collecting of information, coordinating pilot projects and educating citizens about their rights and obligations. Environmental NGOs in BiH have developed considerably over the past decade. The selected projects will support further capacity building of the environmental NGOs in BiH to encourage their work as full and complementary partners of the administration in implementation of the environmental acquis.

The selected projects will focus on “watch dog” and monitoring of diverse environmental issues, such as implementation of strategies, laws, action plans, decision making processes and specific procedures (like design of legislation, plans and strategies, protected area management plans, Environmental Impact Assessment procedure and environmental permitting), networking of NGOs and formation of regional initiatives.

Project summary sheets and the list of contract related information are available at the web site of the EU Delegation to BiH: