Seminar for six issue-based civil society networks from BiH

Between 02 and 04 February 2011, the Cidi project – Capacity building of civil society to take part in policy dialogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina  – financed by the EU, held its fourth seminar for issue-based civil society networks, entitled Strategies for sustainable policy dialogue.

The overall objective of the project is to engage BiH civil society in policy dialogue at different levels of government, in line with the recommendations of the European Union and the Enlargement Strategy, which states that “A culture of acceptance and appreciation of the role played by civil society need to be in place to allow civil society organisations to engage in effective policy dialogue” (Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2010-2011).

During the seminar, Mr. Goran Žeravčić, Managing director of Kronauer Consulting from Sarajevo, and Mrs. Amra Selesković, Director of Vesta Association from Tuzla discussed the following topics with representatives of six issue-based civil society networks: Intoduction to EU funding, Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), Procedures for applying and awarding of grant contracts, Network approach to EU funds and Networks and project cycle management.

The seminar and workshops were attended by 36 representatives of the following issue-based civil society networks: Savez slijepih Republike Srpske (Alliance of blind people, Republika Srpska); Savez gluhih i nagluhih Bosne i Hercegovine (Alliance of deaf and partially deaf people, BiH); Savez udruženja za pomoć mentalno nedovoljno razvijenim licima Republike Srpske (Alliance of associations working to support people with mental disabilities, Republika Srpska); Ring (working on the prevention of people trafficking); Volontiram (I volunteer, working on the promotion of voluntarism); Mono (working on youth policy).

For more information, please contact: Maja Smrzlić, Communication and Events Manager Tel: +387 33 260 356; Fax: +387 33 260 355 maja@cidi.ba; info@cidi.ba; www.cidi.ba
