Launch of a consultation on the successor of the Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance (IPA) post 2013

DG Enlargement, together with DG Regional Development, Employment and Agriculture have launched a consultation on the successor of the Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance (IPA) post 2013.

The purpose of this consultation is to gather information to better explain the priorities and substantiate the added value of pre-accession assistance and to explore how pre-accession assistance might be improved in the next financial framework of the European Union.

The consultation is open to all interested stakeholders involved in the preparation and implementation of pre-accession assistance, particularly those from EU member states, IPA beneficiary countries, partner financial institutions, other bilateral donors, and civil society organisations. The results will form part of an evaluation on the future of pre-accession assistance post-2013.

The consultation runs until 31 March. The questionnaire will be available online from Monday 28th February until 31 March at the following link: