Presentation of Czech Republic’s experiences in the field of heating and water management

Embassy of Czech Republic to BiH, in cooperation with the EU Delegation to BiH, performed a “Presentation of Czech experiences in the field of heating, waste management, water management and problems of harmonisation of BiH legislation with the EU standards”, on Wednesday at the premises of the EU Delegation in Sarajevo.  The presentation was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic.

Three significant Czech companies, Vodní zdroje Praha d.d., VHS Brno d.d. and GEOTest Brno d.d., which deal with these problems for a long period of time and have comprehensive practical experiences from Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the other countries of Western Balkans, presented their experiences. A representative of the EU Delegation in BiH and a Team Leader of the EU project in the field of water policy focused in their presentations on uniting and harmonising the BiH legislation with the directives and standards of the EU in the sector of water management, potable water and waste water.

About 60 invited guests from BiH attended the presentation. The presentation was also attended by 12 municipal mayors, directors and representatives of municipal utilities services and organisations interested in this sector.

The environment sector, and especially the field of water management, is one of priority areas on which the Czeck Republic is focused within its external development cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From 2007 to 2010, the total amount of external development cooperation through projects in BiH was 9.8 million Euros.