Commissioner Rehn and Ambassador Kourkoulas received new BiH biometric passports

European Enlargement Commissioner, Olli Rehn and Head of the European Commission Delegation to BiH, Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas met with Nikol...

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Ambassador Kourkoulas visited the Centre for Storage, Personalization and Transport of Documents in Banja Luka

Ambassador Kourkoulas, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina met today in Banja Luka with Mr. Siniša Macan, Direc...

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Prezentiran godišni Izvještaj o napretku Bosne i Hercegovine u 2009. godini

Bosna i Hercegovina je napravila mali napredak tokom perioda izvještavanja. Domaća politička klima se pogoršala, izazovi za funkcionisanje in...

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Evropska unija obezbijedila 250.000 eura za projekat “Podrška Agenciji za zaštitu ličnih podataka u BiH”

Povećanje stepena zaštite ličnih podataka, posebno u sektoru policijskih snaga u Bosni i Hercegovini, glavni je cilj ...

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Proces proširenja EU: Godina napretka u zapadnom Balkanu i Turskoj

Evropska komisija je danas usvojila svoju godišnju strategiju o proširenju Evropske unije. U saopštenju je istaknut napredak koji su Zapadni B...

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Ključni rezultati Izvještaja o napretku Bosne i Hercegovine u 2009. g.

Bosna i Hercegovina je napravila malo napretka tokom perioda izvještavanja. Domaća politička klima se pogoršala i  izazovi za funkcionis...

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Key findings of the Progress report on Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina has made little progress over the reporting period. The domestic political climate has deteriorated and challenges to the ...

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The EU Enlargement Process: A Year of Progress in the Western Balkans and Turkey

Today the Commission adopted its annual strategy on EU enlargement. The communication highlights the progress the Western Balkans and Turkey made...

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European Union provided 250.000 euro for the project “Support to the Personal Data Protection Agency in BiH”

Increasing the level of personal data protection in public, especially in the police sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the main objective of t...

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2009 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina presented

Bosnia and Herzegovina has made little progress over the reporting period. The domestic political climate has deteriorated and challenges to the ...

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