Poljska ratificirala Lisabonski sporazum

Dana 10. oktobra 2009.g., Poljska je završila postupak ratifikacije Lisabonskog sporazuma. Poljski predsjednik Lech Kaczynski je na ceremoniji u...

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Potpisana četiri finansijska sporazuma

Međuvladin sporazum, vrijedan 60 miliona eura potpisali su u Sarajevu, u Zgradi Parlamenta BiH 12. oktobra 2009. godine ambasador Njemačke u Bi...

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Four Financing Agreements signed

The intergovernmental Agreement, worth 60 million euro, was signed on 12 October 2009in Sarajevo, at the BiH Parliament building, between H.E. Mr...

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Presentation of the European Commission’s 2009 Progress Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, will present the European Commission’s 20...

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European Union provides 250.000 € support to the Personal Data Protection Agency

All media representatives are invited to attend the press statements on the occasion of the beginning of the Twinning Light Project „Support to...

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Poland ratified the Lisbon Treaty

On 10 October 2009, Poland concluded the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. At a ceremony in Warsaw, Polish President Lech Kaczynski signed the r...

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Forum agrarne politike jugoistočne Evrope i Godišnji sastanak ministara poljoprivrede jugoistočne Evrope u Bosni i Hercegovini

Podrška sistemima/shemama zemalja Jugoistočne Europe i njihove komplementarnosti sa agrarnom politikom Europske unije,...

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Olli Rehn u Sarajevu: Suverena i funkcionalna Bosna i Hercegovina, uslov za sticanje statusa kandidata za članstvo u EU

Došao sam u Sarajevo jer nam je stalo do Bosne i Hercegovine, do njenih građana i do ubrzanja procesa evropske integra...

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Agricultural Policy Forum and Annual Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture from South Eastern Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Support to the systems of the South Eastern European countries and their complementarities with the EU Common Agricultur...

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TAIEX seminar “Borba protiv terorizma, pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma”

Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srpske, uz podršku Instrumenta za tehničku pomoć i razmjenu informacija – TAIEX ...

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